When the words Church, Christianity and Religion are mentioned, there are many images that come to mind - some good and some not so good. Whether your experience with Christianity or the Church has been positive or disappointing, we want to encourage you to check out BCC. We’re a different kind of church. We’re not about religion or religious practices. We’re all about a relationship with Jesus that can help us find the kind of life we are looking for.
Our commitment is to communicate God’s truth in a loving, clear and contemporary way. Whatever your church background was, whether you had one or not, whatever you’re facing right now in your life – we can help you find healing, restoration and wholeness. BCC is a place where you can begin a journey to find life to its fullest. We believe community is critical to our well-being and we want to help you connect with other people who are learning how to live life to the fullest while growing in their relationship with Jesus.
Many people are finding BCC a place where they can explore and grow in their faith and find the hope, peace and joy they are looking for. Whether you are a spiritual seeker who’s just starting to ask questions about God, or a committed Christ follower who wants to grow closer to Jesus, you can find a home at BCC.
Restoring Lives Through the Love of Jesus.
BCC strives to:
These God given values flow from our mission and vision and guide and direct our decision making.
Worship and teaching that is biblical, relevant, practical and applicable, using innovative and creative means of communication.
Living with the tension between excellence and authenticity.
Connecting in genuine community where we will love, serve and care for one another.
Being a community where grace abounds, messiness is normal, and all people are accepted.
Sharing the love of Jesus in practical and tangible ways including the poor and marginalized locally and globally.
Followers of Jesus identifying and using their gifts, abilities and experiences in at least one area of ministry.
A community where we are willing to take risks, to make changes and to constantly evaluate our ministries, so we can make our vision and mission a reality.
Praying like it totally depends on God, but working like it totally depends on us.
Not just a single leader setting the vision and leading the way, but a collaboration of key leaders who together discern God's leading.
A "come as you are" attitude, but we are not content to leave people where they are. We want to help everyone find healing and restoration as they grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus.
We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our pursuit of living out our faith in boldness and passion.
We believe the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired Word of God, without error (in the original writings) and they are to be the divine and final authority of all Christian faith and life. There are no other writings similarly inspired by God.
There is but one God, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three possess the same nature, attributes and glory, but are distinct in role and activity.
We believe Jesus Christ to be fully God and fully man; having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary – without sin. The death and subsequent bodily resurrection provide the only means of satisfying divine justice and providing salvation for all who believe in Him. He was buried and rose from the dead to ascend into heaven, where at the right hand of God he is now as our High Priest and Advocate.
We believe we were all created in the image of God but because sin was introduced into the world, every human being is separated from God, and by nature, sinful and lost. Salvation is entirely because God’s grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Only those who receive Jesus Christ are born of the Holy Spirit, and become children of God.
As followers of Jesus, we are indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of the redemption of his body. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus Christ, convict people of sin, provide the power for personal spiritual transformation, lead, guide, instruct, and empower the Christ follower for godly living and service.
The true Church is not an organization, but a living organism comprised of all believers. We believe Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church. The local church is the expression, in any locality, of the true Church, having the authority under Christ to decide and govern its own affairs. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances to be observed and practiced but are not a means of experiencing God’s grace.
We believe that one day Jesus will return, and He will take his genuine followers to be with him and later to establish His earthly kingdom.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead. Those who are genuine followers of Jesus will experience eternal life with Him. The unbelievers will be judge by Him and be condemned to everlasting punishment.
We believe that baptism is an outward demonstration of an inward decision to become a follower of Jesus. Jesus commanded us to be baptized therefore we are baptized as an act of obedience. Through baptism the follower of Jesus is symbolically identified with the death and resurrection of Jesus. We baptize by immersion because it follows the model of Jesus and his earliest followers.
We celebrate communion to remember the death of Jesus who sacrificially died on the cross for our sins. This is a simple ceremony using the juice of the vine and bread, symbolic of the body and blood of Jesus.
We believe that God is giver of everything we have, and everything belongs to God. We believe as an act of worship that we sacrificially and generously give a portion of blessings back to God as a gift of gratitude to God for all He has given and done for us.
Explore the life of our church including our vibrant ministries, upcoming events, and service opportunities.